Saturday, 9 August 2014

Aaraadhya baptized...

To the Adorable one…!                 
Aaraadhya’, you are our
Adorable one…
Your name evokes it succinctly!
Now, you are brought to
The church to be baptized…
May be to ‘facilitate’
The graces you need
To enable you to remain
Adorable ever!
This is going to be your
First public appearance as
Jesus had his at the Jordan
Receiving baptism from John…
This initiation ceremony is
To introduce you to the
The Church, the community of
Disciples following Jesus
Taking up their crosses…
God-parents are to
Guard and guide their
God-children in ‘faith’               
On behalf of their parents
But I wonder whether
I have enough faith to
Guard or guide you either!
And am afraid  of
Having to leave you all
One day or other as
My destiny is calling me
Rather compelling me 
Leave all possible securities
Of the church and be
Vulnerable like the majority of
God’s children
Out there on the streets
Trusting in His loving providence…
This poor grand-uncle who was
 Asked to stand as God-father has
Nothing to give you than
This earnest supplication:
Be blessed with your
Wonderful parents, grand-parents
And other resourceful kith and kin
To provide you with love and care
And bring you up like Jesus who
Grew ‘in wisdom and in stature and
In favour with God and man.’
-          Pankymaama
9th August 2014/ Marianad