Jesus proclaimed the reign of God, but never ever has claimed to be its king as he claimed to be the 'light of the world', 'the way, the truth and the life', 'the shepherd', 'the wine', 'the bread from heaven' etc. He rather seemingly accepts the inference Pilate made from the dialogue, rather trial to the effect that 'so you are a king' by responding: 'you say that i am a king...'
Kingship of Jesus, Christ was made into a feast by Pius XI in the nineteen twenties. At that time kingdoms were ruled by kings alone. The evolution of ruling from monarchy to democracy was slowly dawning witht the French revolution and the like after the two world wars. Not only that kingdoms need not be ruled by monarchs, it is almost the rule of people, democracy.
Even when we take him to be a king, his 'kingdom is not of this world'. This usage of 'this world' is used in Jn 8:23 also. It denotes 'a distance and even a rupture' not between the spiritual and temporal rather between 'domination and service'.His kingdom is unlike the one that Pilate knows, a kingdom of arbitration, previleges and domination, but of love, justice and service. His kingdom does not use coercion, it is not imposed.
What matters is not the kingship of anyone, not in the least of Jesus, but the reign of God which Jesus said is among you, rather within you. It is what he wanted us to pray for and seek first...
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