Sunday, 28 September 2014

Sr. Felita...

Dear Sr. Felita,
It is your birthday…
The day God has blessed
The world with yet another
Blessing, a babe at Anjengo,
For all to cherish for ever…
God never duplicates and
That way you are unique
With your sweet traits
Pleasing gestures…
But for your becoming
A religious, and that too as
A Carmelite of Trivandrum
Known as Holy Angels nuns
I would not have known you…
It is there the trouble starts…
The mystery of Incarnation:
‘God emptying himself
Taking the form of a servant…’* (Phil 2:7)
Seemingly means nothing to you!
As a congregation you have
Alienated enough the poor of Yahweh!
Is it not an affront to Jesus who
Was born in a manger, hungry and
Had nowhere to lay his head…?
Would love people like you
Bring some sense in the Congregation
So as to ‘exalt those of
The so called low degree’* (Lk 1:52)
Though out of station, am present
In spirit with all your sisters,
Friends and well wishers to
Wish you ‘Ad multos annos’
And all blessings from above…
Happy Birthday to you!

-          Pancretius (Priests’ Home/13.09.14)

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