Call to be a disciple…
‘Word became flesh’ says the
Implying the volitional aspect
Of every conception, though it
Could be accidental as well as
Outrageous like forced ones…
Having born as the weakest
Humans alone can choose
To live or not to, at least
After a certain age and stage…
More than with instincts
(S)he alone can live with
A purpose and guide her/his
Destiny accordingly resisting
And steering clear of forces
Contrary and contradictory…
The ‘vocation’ people speak of
Is as much their own choice
As it is a Call from beyond,
Rather, their response to that Call…
Also this Call normally is given
Through systems like the Church
Or one of its many Congregations…
Once in the system one has
Not many options than to
Abide by its discipline…
Like any other human systems
This too has its own limitations
And downgrading elements
In spite of its claim to be
The call is for perfection/holiness
Which they attempt through the practice
Of the evangelical counsels of
Poverty, chastity and obedience…
Obedience was the first test
And (wo)man failed miserably
From the very beginning
Due to the force of their
Basic instinct related to
And poverty was always
An exception than rule…
‘Paradise’ was lost because
Of rebellion and lust thereafter
In their passion to create
A paradise of their own…
A guilty conscience
Pricked her/him ever
Leaving them to find
A way to deny and delude
Wine presented an opportunity
To slip off from a sense of reality…
Lust for flesh gradually evolved into
Lust for power, position and possession
Chastity alone is imposed to this day
Through the ‘celibate’ priests
And ‘virgin’ nuns…
Obedience is there in pretext
Poverty is compromised enough
To justify private poverty
And institutional wealth as
Against dehumanizing poverty
Prevalent all over…
Word of God was itself under siege
Of the dominant group ‘ab initio’
It was/is interpreted to justify power,
Position and possessions…
Besides the Gospel traditions
Of apostles, a parallel
Was propounded by that genius
Saul turned into Paul shunning
The illiterate and the
Peter and company thereafter…
Such push was rather complete
With the so-called conversion
Of Constantine in third century
Adorning the elders with the
Paraphernalia of the feudal lords
Never to shed them off thereafter…
Jesus, the suffering servant was
Made into priest and king
To justify the hierarchy He
And to enjoy all its accompanying
While Jesus was the most vulnerable
The Church, His sacrament,
Enjoys enviable security
Anyone can possibly imagine…
Nietzsche was said to
Have remarked that
Jesus was a crocodile and
Church was built upon it.
The crocodile was pushed down
For the church alone to be seen!