Sunday, 1 February 2015

Sr. Shiji Louis

Dear Sr. Shiji Louis
Everything comes into existence
As and when God calls…

And today is that great day
When God called you into existence
As a unique and wonderful gift
To bless your parents, siblings
Neighbours, friends and relations
Who in turn presented you happily
Making you a Christian, a disciple!

Being a disciple itself is costly
But you wanted to give still more
By consecrating yourself
For the Kingdom as an
 Oblate Sister of the Sacred Heart!

This home for priests, ‘Beth-Shalom’
Is more than blessed to have you
Amongst us to adorn this house and
Add melody to our lives besides
Assisting those in need…

Today is a day of great joy,
A day to celebrate and
Thank God for the
Gift of you, Sr. Shiji
To all of us here…
Many more returns of the day!!!

8th January 2015

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