First Holy Communion
15th August 2015 – Thycaud
‘What is there in a name?’
People may be wondering at…
But your name, Blazen,
Was not given for no reason…
Your parents seems to have
Wanted you to be the fire
That descended on the Apostles
And Mary, the mother of Jesus
To fill them with the Holy Spirit…
Like Jesus, the beloved of the Father
You too should become His beloved
By the descent of the Holy Spirit on you…
May you too be able to fill
Those who come across your life
With the fruits of the Holy Spirit…
Jesus, the bread of life
Is commencing to give Himself to you
Today in the form of bread
To make you share his eternal life
And make you like him…
Be like Jesus to ‘increase
In wisdom and stature and
In favor with God and man…’
Let your birth be extolled
Like that of Jesus:
‘Blessed is the womb that bore you…
But know that ‘those who
Hear the word of God
And keep it’ are still more blessed…
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