Friday 14 December 2012

Xtmas Convention at Kachani...

The CSI, Oonnenpara people came asking me to join the Convention to be held from Friday, 4th January 2013 at Kachani. It was a first request of this kind and i accepted telling them that i would love to be a liberal and it is my first Convention. They seemed to be OK with that!

Hence, am thinking loudly so that anyone could feel free to comment on the proposed reflection! It is first of all an ecumenical attempt in search of union among the various Christian denominations, to be encouraged along with the dialogue with other faiths too.

In the priestly prayer of Jesus as given in John 17 (especially 22ff), it earns for unity among the disciples. First of all, it seems that John disappointed with the seemingly quarrelling churches makes Jesus to pray for unity among his disciples. But for the authority and wealth, there is no sense in the so called divisions, whatever be the justifications by way of culture, rite and so on.

Jesus came preaching the gospel, rather the gospel of the Kingdom as seen in Mk 1:14, Lk 4:18 and his commissioning to preach- Mk 16:15

The first ever preaching was about the resurrection of Jesus from the dead (Acts 2:24; ICor 15:14,17)

Faith doesn't exclude anyone from the encompassing love of God, that too in Jesus. This made Raymundo Panickar to speak of the 'anonymous Christians". May be that he got this idea from the anthrpologist Teilhard Chardin's 'Cosmic Christ,' and Jesus introducing God as 'our father.' Jesus is never known to have excluded anyone from the love of God as seen from his parables like that of the Good Samaritan and so on. [to continue...]

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