Monday 24 March 2014

The Id, ego and Freud...

The Id, ego and Freud:
“Where does a thought go when it is forgotten?” It began with this question, born in the mind of Sigmund Freud. He spent his life answering this question (and its derivatives) and came up with ideas we’ve been trying to forget since.
After all who wants to know what goes on up there? Who wants to know the truth behind all that anger, jealousy, and fears; those strange sexual fixations and bizarre dreams? Who wants to know the secret wishes that lurk in the darkest recesses of the unconscious?
“The mad man is a dreamer awake.”… But self-realization is better than living in an illusion. “Being entirely honest with one’s self is a good exercise.” “A man should strive to eliminate his complexes but to get into accord with them: they are legitimately what directs his conduct in the world.” [p. 4 of Metro Plus of the Hindu, Saturday, 28, 2013.]

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