Monday 24 March 2014

Yet another letter to the archbishop...

Dear Archbishop,
You seem to give a deaf ear to my communications, the last of which was entrusted to your VG to be handed over to you. That was on my rightful wages for sustenance for the services rendered. You seem to play with, if not deny my livelihood which certainly is not your concession, but my right.
If at all one offers anything, it should be done so freely, not on demand like the‘Missa pro populo.’ Every act of a priest, especially his prayers, not Eucharistic celebration alone, must be for the people entrusted to him. A labourer is entitled for his wages before the sun goes down. You have failed miserably in the test of a ‘faithful and wise steward whom the master will set over his household to give them their portion of food at the proper time.’  Being a livelihood issue, you should have acted upon expediently.
Not that I do not know of your inactive, if not insensitive ‘tactics’. If only you knew the meaning and import of the saying: ‘A stitch in time saves nine.’ You have done enough damages to many priests, parishes and the diocese even.
You may not understand what ‘a hand to mouth’ living means. You seem to be born with ‘a silver spoon in mouth’ for such ones everything is provided on a golden platter. Added to this, you seem to be ‘more catholic than the pope’ even! With your kind of ‘spirituality’ ruin whatever remains still with the blessings of your lieutenants, the ‘yes men’ courtiers.
Don’t warm yourself in the thought of remaining quiet for long seemingly fooling the entire diocese minus your courtiers. The day is not far when you will be forced to answer for all of your grievous omissions which have hurt the diocese irrecoverably. That will be a cursed day for you without many to support you.
There is still time to repent and mend your ways and win the lost ones for whom Jesus, the good shepherd exemplarily left the ninety nine in the wilderness. [2.3.13]

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