Sunday 1 February 2015

Hema/ Sr. Amala Therese...

My sweet child Hema,
Nay, Sr. Amala Therese,
How happy and proud I am
For having a child like you who
Burns with the love of Christ Jesus!

Could more or less feel your zealous love
For Jesus, the only beloved of his Father,
For whom all else, even his mother
Brothers and sisters, come next to
Those who hear the Word of God
And act accordingly ever…

Having lived a life of priest and
Having seen the ‘religious’ for
Some three decades, my only
Prayer is that you be honest
To your call till the last…

It may not be that easy
As the years pass by,
But if you were honest
He won’t leave you alone
To walk the way or
Bear the cross…

I too would be following you
On your way with loving memories
And best wishes and occasional prayer…

Now, it is not you who
Should kneel before me,
Whose foot still stumbles…
You, the beloved of Jesus…
Must increase in the love of Jesus
And I decrease with my faint faith…
Pray for me too…
6th Dec 2014

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